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All the Answers You Need

Boston Lightning Rod Co., Inc. in Dedham, MA, provides all the answers you need for questions concerning our lightning protection systems.

Do lightning rods attract lightning?

Lightning rods DO NOT attract or prevent lightning strikes. What our systems do is intercept them and provide a path into the ground for them to travel and harmlessly discharge their dangerous electricity.

Do trees protect structures from lightning?

No. Trees do not conduct electricity well, and can cause side flashes very easily. This can cause serious damage to your home. It is always a good idea to protect valuable trees as part of your lightning protection system.

My home is protected from lightning by TV Antennas and satellite dishes, right?

False. Lightning targets these types of devices, as they are not sufficiently grounded and placed high up. They cannot handle the charge of a lightning bolt and should always be removed if no longer useful.

Can surge arresters, suppressors, and “whole house devices” protect my home?

While an important component in protecting your home, surge suppressors and other such devices can do nothing against direct lightning strikes. Arresters should always be used in conjunction with exterior lighting protection systems to properly protect your entire structure.

Doesn’t insurance cover lightning damages?

While the first lightning strikes are covered by most insurance companies, they are hesitant to cover second and third strikes, as well as any subsequent strikes beyond that.

My home is safe in a low-lying area, right?

Unfortunately not. Lightning can strike as many times in low-lying areas as higher elevations. Protect yourself.

Do modern lightning rods stick out or look unseemly on my house or business?

Our modern lightning protection systems are inconspicuous and virtually undetectable. An experienced lightning protection estimator from Boston Lightning Rod will design your system to blend with your architecture. Aesthetics are never compromised.

Will I have to do routine maintenance on my lightning protection installation?

Not at all. Lightning protection systems are constructed of durable materials that are likely to outlast most other fixtures on your home. No maintenance is required unless changes are made to your structure or roof. Examples where maintenance would be needed include a new roof, addition to building, new siding, or any other type of structure change.

Are lightning rods expensive?

Lightning protection on your home is one of the LEAST COSTLY improvements you can make. It also offers the best type of assurance and peace of mind, protecting you against the elements and providing you a big return on a minimal investment.

Can I purchase parts from Boston Lightning Rod Company and do it myself?

Lightning protection is not a do-it-yourself project. An improperly installed lightning protection is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Lightning protection should only be installed by an Underwriters Laboratories Certified lightning protection company, like Boston Lightning Rod.

Do lightning rods attract lightning?

Lightning protection systems and lightning rods work together with a grounding network to intercept lightning strikes and create an alternate path away from danger.

Should I plant tall trees to help prevent lightning?

Lightning can bounce off a tree and strike a nearby structure with ferocity. Sometimes, lightning can travel through tree roots and enter structures through telephone, cable, and electrical lines.

My building is grounded. Why does it need more protection?

In most cases, electricians install grounding to handle normal electricity usage – not the overwhelming power of lightning. You need specialized grounding.

Do I really need professional installation of a lightning rod?

Lightning protection is complicated and requires extensive training and knowledge to install. Lightning protection is not a do-it-yourself project and can be dangerous.

Is surge protection and/or whole house systems enough protection?

No, surge protection systems are only one facet of a lightning protection system. While they protect your appliances and computers, they do not provide structural protection.

For more information about our installations or our company, or to schedule your own personalized installation appointment, please contact Boston Lightning Rod at 800-992-3466.

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