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Professional Lightning Rod Installation Services

The skilled team at Boston Lightning Rod Co., Inc. will provide you with a professional lightning rod installation that will help to protect your home or business from unexpected strikes. This protection system prevents lightning electricity from being drawn directly to your building. Instead, it will be drawn to the system of air terminals (or lightning rods), transferred through a series of cables, and directed into the ground.

Image of a building with the Lightning Protection Systems on it in Dedham, MA

The Lightning Rod Installation Process

Before we begin the installation, we will take an assessment of your property, including measurements of the roof and the foundation. We will then provide a design layout and a comprehensive estimate. To begin the installation, we will attach the air terminals to the roof. Then we will connect the air terminals and conductor to a series of ground rods or alternative grounding system. We will do our best to make the protection system as discrete as possible, ensuring that we don’t interfere with the aesthetics of the building.

Where Lightning Rod Installation Is Most Appropriate

Although lightning strikes can occur almost anywhere, there are certain places where lightning rod systems are more beneficial. First of all, any home or businesses located in an area with lightning strike numbers that are above average should seriously consider purchasing a protection system. Homes built on mountaintops, near the edge of large bodies of water such as Cape Cod Bay or the Atlantic Ocean, and those in the midst of an expansive area of flat land are highly susceptible to lightning strikes.

Tall buildings, especially those located in urban areas, also have a greater risk. In fact, the Empire State Building receives anywhere from 20 to 25 lightning strikes every year, according to Dr. Martin Uman, a lightning expert from the University of Florida. It’s important to note, that lightning can hit anywhere, at any time. Only effective and approved lightning protection can prevent the damage caused by lightning.

In addition to installing lightning rods, Boston Lightning Rod Co., Inc. provides lightning surge protection and low voltage surge protection services. Contact us today at 800-992-3466 to schedule your personalized installation appointment.

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